Curcuma Alba L
This herbal can be use to prevent the metastases of cancer, especially for breast cancer. Drink the root of the herbal, (3 X1 pill)
if you need any herbal for cancer of any diseases you can email me in drlizasfyn@gmail.com or sms 085722169957
cancer, in medicine, common term forLoss of contact inhibition accounts for two other characteristics of cancer cells: invasiveness of surrounding tissues, and
It has become the most common cancer in the UK, and is the leading cause of death for women aged 34 to 54.
More rarely, men can also develop this cancer.
Despite recent improvements in the mortality rates, due to better treatments and earlier detection, the UK still has one of the highest mortality rates in the world.
But research is beginning to reap dividends in new ways of understanding how breast cancer cells work।Sambung nyawa (gynura procumbens)
l saponin, flavonoid, tanin, alkaloid
l For hypertension use fresh leaf 5 and can be use to prevent the cancer, and to reduce the high cholesterol in blood, for hemorrhoid , and gastritis (3X1 pill)
Sida rhombifolia this herbal good for high Uric acid in blood, (3 X 1 pill a day). If want to use the fresh herbal, use the root of the plant and boil 4 roots of plant with 3 glass water until 2 glass and drink after 12 hours .
Curcuma Alba L
This herbal can be use to prevent the metastases of cancer, especially for breast cancer. Drink the root of the herbal, (3 X1 pill)
Andrographis Paniculata, this is the potential herbal for increase the immunity system and anti biotic , anti virus , can use to prevent cancer and reduce blood pressure too.
Thyponium flagelliforme (lodd) Bl this herbal can be use to cure metastases cancer and reduce the effect of chemotherapy of cancer, and the reduce effect of addicted of drug so can use to heal the addicted of drug (3 X 1 pill)
Centella asiatica
This herbal , is good for revitalization of vascular , can use for reduce the blood pressure and for epilepsy. (3 X 1-2 pills) .
Gynura segetum (lour) Blerr
Benefit as Anti coagulant, prevention for stroke and myocardium infarct. Take fresh leaf 1 times 5 leaf. And prevention for cancer. (3 X 1 pill)
Grapthophylum pictum (l) griff
This herbal good for Hemorrhoid and constipation, boil 7 leaf with 3 glass water until 2 glass , and drink this after cold for 5 days just once a day ( or 3 X 1 pill)
Strobilanthes Crispus R,
This herbal can use to destroy stone in the kidney , take 10 leaf and boil with 3 glass water until 2 glass, drink when cold , once a day for 2 weeks and take rest one week so the kidney not work hard because this leaf work as diuretic and can harm kidney if take so long. (3 X1 pill)
These are the herbal I use in
For my hypertension patients , I gave them captopril and fresh gynura segetum leaf and fresh gynura precumben leaf preventive high blood pressure more and stroke.
For hemorrhoid they love to take grapthophilum pictum as a pill or fresh leaves, this helps them more better than take hemorrhoid west medicine .
` For the cancer patients, after chemotherapy they took Thyponium flagelliforme (lodd) Bl this herbal can be use to reduce the effect of chemotherapy , and can be use to preventive the metastases of cancer, for cancer I use Andrographis Paniculata, this is the potential herbal for increase the immunity system and can be use as an anti biotic , anti virus , can use to prevent cancer. Plus curcurma alba.
Our garden is our own farmacy , one day my mother feel pain in her chest , so I gave her fresh gynura precumben and gynura segetum, after few minuate the pain just stop, in the morning I check her blood cholesterol and found so high around 435 mg %. So I release this night could be chest paint of angina. And this herb help her so much before I gave her medicine like simvastatin, so herb and west medicine can work together as well as we need.