![MySpace Graphics](http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/revmyspace2/graphics/love/inspiration/a9ee8a5eb8144461f372fe92de8eba28.jpg)
Sabtu, 24 November 2007
secret of life
![MySpace Graphics](http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/revmyspace2/graphics/love/inspiration/a9ee8a5eb8144461f372fe92de8eba28.jpg)
hepatitis , dont worry, healing with curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb, temulawak untuk hepatitis , pasti sembuh
Healing hepatitis with curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb
Curcuma Xanthorrhiza work as a hepatoprotector, with good bed rest , balance diet calories and nutrients , hepatitis can reduce in few days.(drliza)
Hepatitis dengan temulawak
Hepatitis dapat diobati dengan temulawak, dengan bed rest yang cukup, dan diet cukup kalori dan cukup gizi, kurangi makanan yang digoreng dan berlemak, insyaAllah hepatitis akan sembuh dalam beberapa hari
Hepatitis Viral
Viral hepatitis is a group of viral infections involving the liver.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: fever, malaise, fatique, nausea, jaundice, dark urine, headache vomiting
•Viral infection
•Infection may be caused by multiple, different viruses.
•Maximum infectivity occurs 2 weeks before the appearance of jaundice.
•Transmitted sexually, by blood or its products, or during pregnancy.
•Hepatitis A virus (HAV): 50% of people over age 49 have been exposed; HAV is found in 25% of cases of acute hepatitis.
•Hepatitis B virus (HBV): About 200,000 persons are infected annually. There are more than 500,000 carriers of HBV.
•Hepatitis C virus (HCV): HCV is becoming the most common cause of acute and chronic viral hepatitis; 150,000 persons are infected annually.
•Health care workers/other occupational risks
•Recipients of blood and/or blood products
•Intravenous (IV) drug users; individuals with tattoos
•Sexually active homosexual males
•Household exposure
•Unprotected sex
•Needle stick
•Organ transplantation
•The doctor will perform a physical examination to identify the signs and symptoms of viral hepatitis.
•Other causes of similar symptoms include Infectious mononucleosis, drug or alcohol abuse, and other liver disorders.
•Blood tests
•Tests may be done to identify virus.
•A sample of liver tissue may be obtained for laboratory analysis.
•Ultrasound may be used to assist with diagnosis.
•Viral hepatitis is usually managed on an outpatient basis.
•Hospitalization may be required.
•Segregation advisable for food handlers or health care workers.
•Acute cases must be reported to public health department.
•Liver transplantation may be necessary.
As tolerated
Adequate calories; balanced nutrition
•Interferon, ribavirin (Virazole)
•Amantadine (Symmetrel)
Bleeding disorders, immune system disorders, seizures, pregnancy, fertile age group, lactation.
Read drug product information.
•The doctor should be seen as often as necessary.
•Blood tests will be periodically repeated.
•Biopsy of liver may need to be repeated in chronic cases.
•Monitoring for metabolic complications
•Use safe sex practices.
•Don't share needles.
•Practice good sanitation habits.
•It is currently recommended that all individuals receive vaccination against HBV.
•Vaccination against HAV is recommended for some individuals, including travelers, sewage workers, military personnel, day-care staff and children, homosexual men, and food handlers.
•Interferon, ribavirin (Virazole)
•Amantadine (Symmetrel)
•The outcome varies depending on the virus causing hepatitis.
•Severity of liver disease is a good indicator of outcome.
•May progress to chronic disease
(source from Dambro)
cysta ovarian healing with rodent tuber , hedyotis corymbosa and curcuma zedoaria (berg) Roscoe
one of my patient , a young woman 32 years old come to me with cysta ovarian, her usg showed the size of the cysta around 4 x 6 x 7 and i gave her herbal for 2 month, 3 item of this herbal are rodent tuber , hedyotis corymbosa and curcuma zedoaria, and the second USG show the cysta ovarion now has gone, thanks God . she is so happy now. no need to operation
Ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
Carcinoma and cystadenoma of the ovary. Characteristics - multilocular tumor produced by the epithelial cells of the ovary having mucin-filled cavities. Symptoms include abdominal pain and distention, menstrual disturbances, weight loss, dyspareunia, ascites. Clinical findings are the same as those with ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma
•hysterectomy•stage I: bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy plus omentectomy if high grade
•stage II: add radiotherapy or chemotherapy
183.0 malignant neoplasm of ovarykista ovarium sembuh dengan keladi tikus, temu putih, dan rumput mutiara
Alhamdulillah satu lagi pasien saya sembuh dengan herbal, 2 bulan yang lalu seorang pasien saya mengeluh adanya kista di indung telur nya sudah di USG dengan besar 4 x 6 x 7 cm dan menunggu di operasi. kemudian saya sarankan mengkonsonsumsi keladi tikus, kunir mangga (kunir putih) ,rumput mutiara, dan temu putih (curcuma zedoaria) setelah mengkonsumsi herbal 2 bulan , hasil USG menyatakan tidak ditemukannya lagi kista ovarium.
dosis rumput mutiara 30-60 gram direbus, untuk temu putih 3 cm umbi di rebus, keladi tikus 3-4 tanaman dengan umbinya,setelah direndam bersama umbinya selama 3 jam , direbus , diminum setiap hari. tapi kalau mau praktis bisa di minum kapsulnya, tidak terlalu mahal hanya 40.000 untuk rumput mutiara dan temu putih, dan 90.000 untuk keladi tikus. terdiri dari 40 kapsul di tiap botolnya. lizasfyn@yahoo.com